November 24, 2008

Sleeping is Fun!

We had a miracle occur last night and Logan slept for 6 1/2 hours straight! It was so nice to wake up after getting so much sleep. He rewarded us, too, with many smiles during lunch. Nathan grabbed the camera as fast as he could to capture the moment. I know the photo is a little blurry, but the flash seemed to make him stop smiling, so Nathan risked the dark shot.

Nathan has decided that he should make Logan his Christmas present this year out of wood and I can't wait to see the final product. I'll post some pictures of it when he's done. He's going to make a matching mini-ornament too. I did order an ornament for Logan that arrived in the mail today. It's a silver piggy bank with 2008 on it. I figure that if Nathan runs out of time on the ornament, we've got a nice backup.

At the moment Logan is sleeping on me and I feel pretty good about my multi-tasking skills. Oh, I also have a part of dinner cooking in the oven. How 1950's housewife am I?

November 16, 2008

One Month Old

As you can see, Logan is one month old today. He celebrated by staying up until 5:00 am last night. Because of that Nathan and I decided not to attend church on 4 hours of sleep.

It was Logan's first snow day today, too. We captured some video and photos to remember the occasion. You can see some snowflakes on his carseat.

November 15, 2008

Santa Claus is a sporting store near you!

Nathan and I took Logan to meet Santa for the first time at Bass Pro Shop because they were handing out a free print of the photo session. I was quite impressed with Santa because he had a real beard and looked the part. We dressed Logan in his Christmas outfit and he looked quite cute in it.

Here's an amusing, if messy story for you...
We left Bass Pro Shop and Logan decided that he was upset and I had a guess that he had a wet diaper. We stopped at Taco Bell after much fussing for a "healthy" lunch and I changed Logan and then fed him in the car because he decided he was hungry. At one point he decided to take a little break from eating, but the milk decided that it needed to keep flowing and began to squirt everywhere. I was laughing and everyone was getting drenched, in my car. Nathan grabbed a spit up clothe and every thing was under control except for my laughter. Logan began to eat again, but I couldn't stop laughing because we were both covered in milk. I had milk and tears (from laughter) running on me at the same time. Let me reiterate that this is while I am in Taco Bell's parking lot, immediately facing a Gas Station/ White Castle.

When we got home I saw that Leo had commandeered the nursing pillow. He looks awfully cute on it.

November 11, 2008

Baby Burrito

My friend, Sarah, bought Logan this adorable Dinosaur outfit and I think it's one of Logan's favorites. At least it would be if he were able to focus on it.

The last few nights Logan has actually been sweet to us and has slept for a 5 hour shift and then a 3 hour shift. He has started staying awake more during the day. (Even if that does mean that he gets a little grumpy when he starts getting tired.) We swaddle Logan at night and we, subsequently, call him a "Baby Burrito"; he prefers to sleep in food form.

November 5, 2008

Nathan Loves His Little Boy

Who can resist that cute face?!

The other night I was feeding him and he was quite hungry. After we were through I burped him and than he was laying in my lap. Before you could say "Bob's your Uncle" he spewed milk at me in an alarming amount. I could not believe how much came out. It makes me glad that our couch is leather and easy to clean. Milk was everywhere and I could not stop laughing.

November 4, 2008

Happy Boy

You wouldn't believe how hard it is to capture a photo of Logan smiling. We got lucky with this shot.

It hasn't been to difficult with Logan at home. He's a very sweet and content little baby. He tends to wake up 2-3 times at night and goes back to sleep. We're working on getting him to sleep a little longer at night, but I feel well rested and I've gotten used to Logan's sleeping noises with the help of a pillow over my head. I tend to be a little hyper-alert to him, so the pillow muffles the little noises that don't mean anything.

He has been staying awake more during the day now and likes it when I hold him, but does allow me to put him in his swing when I need to actually get some stuff done. He, then, takes an afternoon nap and wakes up a little bit in the evening.

Poor little guy...I tend to prolong his wait for food by giving him too many kisses when he wakes up. He usually responds by trying to suck on my nose or cheek.

He's been out a lot in his 2 1/2 weeks of life as he's run errands with me a couple of times, gone out to dinner, and attended Nathan's Park Pavilion Open House. He is amazingly good and just sleeps the whole time. I know he won't always be this easy, but it's really nice right now.

His 2 week appointment with the Pediatrician was yesterday and he weighs in at 8 lbs. 12.5 oz. and is in the 50th percentile for weight.

Expect his announcement in the mail before Thanksgiving!